From the very beginning, it was clear that Benecon was going to require a custom solution to manage their invoicing effectively. With a self-funding strategy, it’s critical that Benecon know how many employees are utilizing a benefit at a given company and what the cost of that benefit is. That requires data to be collected and analyzed from multiple sources and aggregated according to the member of the consortium or cooperative to generate the individual invoice. Further, it needed to integrate with Salesforce, Netsuite, and the many other systems that are used to manage the individual benefit offering.
As a consequence of this, the Hammer Dev team created a custom solution called BEDS to pull data together from Benecon’s many systems to generate the invoices. It organized customer data and gives a detailed breakdown of which customer employees are enrolled in what services, as well as what’s been charged for those services. Furthermore, the BEDS system enables Benecon to handle retroactive changes to policies as well as rate changes in individual benefit offerings. The result was a system that provided Benecon a way to charge its customers based on enrollees and furnish granular reports that could then be delivered to AP, HR, and Finance departments for every customer.
Once these documents were prepared, Hammer Dev recommended and implemented a system in Box for delivering these documents securely to individual customers for review.